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Summer and Graduate Positions at Vialab – vialab | Dr. Christopher Collins
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Summer and Graduate Positions at Vialab

In the summer of 2017 Dr. Christopher Collins at the Visualization for Information Analysis lab (vialab) at UOIT is seeking to hire 1 or more strong undergraduate students for research internships in a broad range of exciting topics. These internships may be eligible for credit under the UOIT co-op program.

Also, I am seeking new graduate students at the M.Sc. level; graduate studies at UOIT are funded for accepted students.

Topics include:

  • Continuing work with the UOIT Registrar’s Office on the creation of a visual analytics dashboard to analyze patterns of student grades related to a variety of factors, to improve student success and university planning.
  • Re-implementing a gesture system created to work with off-screen elements using the Leap Motion device as a polished app for deployment.
  • Developing visualizations to understand the propagation of ideas through citation networks of research papers.
  • Developing mobile applications for literacy education.
  • Investigating alternative authentication systems using subtle hand gestures / hand shakes to identify oneself to a computer system.
  • (M.Sc./Ph.D. only) Developing explanation interfaces for artificial intelligence systems (this opportunity will be linked to guaranteed industrial internships at SRI International)

Each of these positions will require students who are strong programmers. Languages used include Java, C++, Python, and Javascript. All projects will also include an aspect of literature research and report writing. Selected candidates will be expected to attend and participate in lab meetings, research discussions, and assist on other projects as needed from time-to-time. Except in exceptional cases, summer internship applicants should have completed second year in the UOIT CS program. Graduate applicants should have an Honours degree in Computer Science or related subject or be in the final year of studies toward the degree.

Interested candidates should send an email statement of interest, copy of recent unofficial transcript (mycampus print out is ok), and any other relevant materials (cv/portfolio of example projects) to Dr. Collins at christopher.collins@uoit.ca before February 28.